Friday 15 August 2008

It's been interesting and fun, but now it's time to go back

After more than 3 weeks in Glasgow, I feel it's time to move on. I have stayed longer than expected, but only just few more days, and I'll be on my way. Where to, you might ask? Well... back to where I started, Sweden. Again! Yeah, I know my plan was to leave it all and start all over again somewhere else... But it isn't as easy as it used to be. As the years go by and you get older, your needs for security and other important things change. If I had been 10 yrs younger I'd probably felt differently. I would have just kept on traveling and not thought of all the responsibility I actually have, but haven't always wanted to deal with. But I am not 10 yrs younger and I do need to start thinking a little bit further... Of course I'm going to keep on traveling. But not like this. Next time it will be more organized, more comfortable and with more cash in my pockets!

You never know when you might need that extra cash, cause it's not only that things/plans might change. It WILL change! I promise you that. So with lots of new experience I now know all those do's and dont's. When the time is right and I've got more distance to this trip. I will write it all down. Just to get it out as a good advise to you that reed my blog, but also as a therapy for myself and a big warning on what to avoid next time I get this itch for a crazy trip with a backpack!

Friday 8 August 2008

Feeling lonely...

It is wonderful to travel. But when your traveling alone, there will be days when you feel like the loneliest person in the whole world... You might be walking somewhere seeing something really beautiful, suddenly feeling like saying; Hey! Look at this! Isn't that beautiful! But there's no one there... or you would like to sit down at some romantic restaurant... but you wont, cause it feel so sad to be there by yourself... surrounded by happy people... or people in love...

I've had my share... I've been one of those happy people... traveling together, experiencing beautiful things together... But eventhough that it didn't work out and eventhough I do like to travel on my own... I still miss someone to share all the wonderful things with...
I guess its gonna be hard to get involved seriously with someone while I'm on this trip... I am so afraid that if I meet someone somewhere that I don't like to be... well I like being where I am, but not to stay for a longer period of time... There are so many places I want to see before I settle down. I don't want to get stuck again... not yet. I guess it's a question of priorities... if you meet someone somewhere that you didn't think it would happen, maybe that person can change your way of seeing that particular place...
All I am trying to say is, that today I am feeling like the loneliest person in the world. I know that my friends and loved ones are only a phonecall away... but sometimes that isn't enough. I miss that someone special...

Monday 4 August 2008

Getting used to the city...

My new hosts! Wonderful girls!

Almost 2 weeks in Glasgow and I am starting to like it here. Making lots of great friends and meeting all kinds of wonderful people. At the moment I am staying with some new friends. You could say that I'm couchsurfing for a littel while. Until the 18th or so, I'll be here, just chillin. It's about time I start slowing down and enjoying my stay. Glasgow is slowly changing in my eyes and I am sure this will soon be one of my favorite cities. The people are very friendly and the city has a good feeling about it. I haven't felt any stress so far and everything runs smoothly. If you stay away from all the tourist traps and think about where you put your money, it's kind a cheap to live here...

Yesterday I went shopping in Lidl :o) I usually never shop there when I'm back home, but suddenly I am... It's funny how things have a different meaning when you're abroad.
Since I left caotic London, my stay in Glasgow has been so far very pleasant. I feel very welcome and it is very interesting to experience how things can be so different but at the same time so simular to back home. I mean, it isn't that far away from Sweden!

So until next time, I hope you're enjoying my blog and pics!


Friday 1 August 2008

PICS!!! (in the album...)

Ok, still friday but today has been a pretty good one, so far.

I left the caotic hostel, the Generator, this morning after breakfast. I just say one thing and that is... I can't understand WHY people wanna go there! If you check it out on the internet it says yes that it is a popular place among yong people. Nothing wrong with that, but it was no fun at all. Expencive and boring and I'll never go there again! So next time I'll return with loads of money and stay at an fancy hotel!! Anyways... I took the tube to Hyde park and was hoping to hear someone speak at speakers corner... But I guess that is either just something that you hear people say or it was more usual back in the days... Cause no one was there! Or maybe I was to early... I don't know...
After Hyde park, I took the bus to Westminster to see Big Ben and the Westminster Abbey...
I have never seen so many people at the same time!!! Or well yeah I have, but this was crazy!!!!
There was something going on over there... the police was there, guards with guns and I don't know what! Didn't feel safe, so I left after a short visit. Wanted to see the church from inside, but I am never paying 12 pounds for that. And I don't worship, so no point in waiting for that either... and that is free, just to mention that. So I took the first bus I found and went for a lunch in this nice little park near Victoria station.

Then I got the idea that I had to find the Swedish pub! The Harcourt Arms...wich is in Marlybone and that is were I am right now. Swedish barmen and nice atmosphere. Free WiFi and a icecold pint. I can rest my legs and back and just relax.

Tonight I'll be back on the bus to see if Glasgow has something that I didn't find there earlier...

No luck in London...

So here I am. In London again.

I left Glasgow and hoped I'd get lucky here... finding something to do...
But no luck there. So tonight I am heading back to Glasgow to give Scotland a second chanse.
I should have done as I planned in the first place... take the tent to Oban, which is a beautiful place on the west coast of Scotland, and just stay there for few days or so. It would do me good to to get out to the countryside for a while to figure out how to continue my trip...

Maybe I should just take one country at the time and just go home between to catch my breath. I think I am getting to old for crazy adventures. I am more for shorter trips I think...

And that is a lesson I just learned yeasterday.

Don't get me wrong. I don't regret anything. I just have to make a new plan. And try to do things right this time.

We all make mistakes sometimes, that's how we learn!

Pics coming soon!

Yours truly, The Vagabond