Friday 15 August 2008

It's been interesting and fun, but now it's time to go back

After more than 3 weeks in Glasgow, I feel it's time to move on. I have stayed longer than expected, but only just few more days, and I'll be on my way. Where to, you might ask? Well... back to where I started, Sweden. Again! Yeah, I know my plan was to leave it all and start all over again somewhere else... But it isn't as easy as it used to be. As the years go by and you get older, your needs for security and other important things change. If I had been 10 yrs younger I'd probably felt differently. I would have just kept on traveling and not thought of all the responsibility I actually have, but haven't always wanted to deal with. But I am not 10 yrs younger and I do need to start thinking a little bit further... Of course I'm going to keep on traveling. But not like this. Next time it will be more organized, more comfortable and with more cash in my pockets!

You never know when you might need that extra cash, cause it's not only that things/plans might change. It WILL change! I promise you that. So with lots of new experience I now know all those do's and dont's. When the time is right and I've got more distance to this trip. I will write it all down. Just to get it out as a good advise to you that reed my blog, but also as a therapy for myself and a big warning on what to avoid next time I get this itch for a crazy trip with a backpack!

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