Monday 4 August 2008

Getting used to the city...

My new hosts! Wonderful girls!

Almost 2 weeks in Glasgow and I am starting to like it here. Making lots of great friends and meeting all kinds of wonderful people. At the moment I am staying with some new friends. You could say that I'm couchsurfing for a littel while. Until the 18th or so, I'll be here, just chillin. It's about time I start slowing down and enjoying my stay. Glasgow is slowly changing in my eyes and I am sure this will soon be one of my favorite cities. The people are very friendly and the city has a good feeling about it. I haven't felt any stress so far and everything runs smoothly. If you stay away from all the tourist traps and think about where you put your money, it's kind a cheap to live here...

Yesterday I went shopping in Lidl :o) I usually never shop there when I'm back home, but suddenly I am... It's funny how things have a different meaning when you're abroad.
Since I left caotic London, my stay in Glasgow has been so far very pleasant. I feel very welcome and it is very interesting to experience how things can be so different but at the same time so simular to back home. I mean, it isn't that far away from Sweden!

So until next time, I hope you're enjoying my blog and pics!


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