Wednesday 30 July 2008

New pics...

So here I am, still in Glasgow, but soon leaving.

Just posting this now to tell you about my new pics in my album... Will write more when I know for sure the next step.
See ya!

Monday 28 July 2008

Still in Glasgow...

Me at the first castle I've visited...
more pics in the album to the left.
It 's been 7 days since I left home. It has been a time of mixed feelings and lots and lots of new
experinces. I've been spending most of the time here in Glasgow, but I feel it's time to move on.
It is indeed an interesting city with great people, old buildings and heavy traffic as the motorway runs in the middle of the city.
But I have also seen some beautiful sceneries. Glasgow is also wery green and there are hills everywhere!!!

Overall it has been a good stay. I have met lots of new and interesting people and gotten to know new friends. I've been fruitpickin for the first time in my life and that was really fun! And at the same time I could watch the airplanes take off! As the field is a neighbour to the Glasgow airport!
Afterwards we went home, made some jam... and I baked a strawberry cake! My good friend Dan has been an excellent host and guide and he has showen me some interesting parts of the city. His friends and partner have been wonderful people letting me into their home and giving me a place to stay.

Even though it has been a time of mixed feelings, I am going to miss all these great people! The city might have been different than I thought, but I really didn't know what I was expecting either...

Friday 25 July 2008

In Glasgow and dizzyyy!

Finally I made it to Glasgow!

After 24 hopurs trip from Malmoe to Glasgow, I am still tired...
Even if I've been here for a couple of days, I havent got used to the place. I was staying at a house in south part of the city and compared to the city center it was like being in the countryside. So today there wont be any much writing on the blog. But I promisse that as soon I am well rested there will be more!

So until next time! Take care!

Saturday 19 July 2008

2 more days...

My plan has changed a bit. I had to change the date, but in 2 days I am really off to the UK.
I've said so long to friends and my bag is packed. I've fixed all the things that can be fixed, and now I am just waiting and counting the hours... well the days... But soon it will be hours!

Next time I post something, it will be from a nother city in a new country! And hopefully I'll have some great pictures too!

Ciao for now! The Vagabond

Monday 14 July 2008

It seems that my trip might be starting in...

Scotland! The land of the kilt!

As I mentioned i my last post, good things come to those who wait. It is being proved to me over and over again.
The last few weeks I've been searching for a couch to surf my first days in the UK. I've posted requests to people in my groups at the Couch Surfing community with not so much luck. Exept from few really nice people, that live in places far from London, which I was hoping to be my first stop. I have thought many times to just give up the whole idea since many people are busy this time of year and instead book some crappy Hostel to start with. But that would of course eventually eat up all my travel money long time before I get some more. Leaving me broke and miserable somewhere in the big city of London missing out the great opportunity to meet really nice locals and all the fun it could bring. Or at least that's is the scenario which has been playing in my head lately.

I guess that it is natural to feel nervousness before a journey. Especially the kind of a trip that I'm about to make. Leaving everything behind and not knowing when I'll return or what will happen along the road. Eventhough I know things are going to be OK, it doesn't stop me from worrying and thinking that things could get ugly...
But as much as I worry, there is actually no need to. Cause at the end of the day, things tend to work out just fine. And that has again been proved to me. Today I got not only one but two messages from friendly strangers offering me a place to stay or to at least meet up for coffee and a sightseeing in the wonderful city of Glasgow.
It just proves that things will work out just fine and there is really no need to panic!

Sunday 13 July 2008

A very pleasant sunday

I got woken up this morning by someone knocking on my window... to my happy suprise, two good friends of mine that I haven't seen for a while, were standing outside with a big smile on their faces! Since I will be leaving soon, I've tried to get a hold of these guys without any luck. But something or someone must have known and suddenly they where here! It sometimes amazes me how good things come to those who wait... here I was trying to get a hold of someone (without any luck) and suddenly they show up from nowhere knocking on my window! Funny isn't it?

After a nice chat we went for a really good sunday lunch and said our goodbyes or "so long" as I prefer to call it. I don't like goodbyes cause it feels so final... Even though we don't see each other that often, it's still going to be sad to leave these good friends behind. But that's life I guess... it goes on.

Thanks for the sunday lunch and your ever so good company, Kristoffer and Frida! See you around somewhere, someday!
Your friend always, Alex

Tuesday 8 July 2008

I've got the date!!!

Yep FINALLY the date is SET! And I couldn't be happier :O)

On the 19th of July I will take the train over Ă–resund bridge which connects Sweden with Denmark and head towards the Copenhagen International Airport. It's going to feel sooo amazing when I start my "old" dream trip again...
Today has been a real Roller Coaster ride! Whit BIG ups and downs... But finally I have THE date. I've started looking for couches to surf while I'm on the road. I will be starting with the UK and while I'm there I want to travel up north from London to Glasgow. What happens in between, I have no clue... That's the charm of travelling. No big plans no big disappointments. Like I read once... You can't plan an Adventure! So true.

So now there are 10 days left... and counting...

I can't wait! I want to start my adventure now! I want to buy the camera I really want and start shooting! People, places, Stars!!! (yup, I dream of being a paparazzi, a nice one ;o) And everything that's fun and interesting.

So until next. Keep on reading!

Monday 7 July 2008

Ed's Easy Diner

Since I'll be heading off for London in 2 weeks or so, I thought I should recomend a "must see and eat at" place next time you're in town!

I quote:
"Ed’s is a classic retro American diner which was founded in London by Barry Margolis in November 1987. It was the first of its kind in the UK and our first site opened in London’s Soho.
Ed’s has become a noted London landmark and has long been a location for films, television and photo shoots. It’s a destination for tourists coming to London and has a loyal local fan base. Celebrities have been visiting our diners for years – we’re not ones to blab, so you’ll just have to see if you can spot your favourite celeb the next time you’re in one of our diners.

Ed’s is a small company with a very big brand. "

Now there are 2 Ed's in London but I've only been to one of them and that's the one on SOHO...
This is by far the coolest place to eat at. For me and everyone else who are suckers for the 50's this is THE place. The food is great! The staff is great! and of course the place it self is amazing!
So check it out next time you're in London, you won't be disappointed
The link to Ed's website is to the left!

Thursday 3 July 2008

Johan and I

Filip and I

Yesterday I got a visit from 2 good friends from Iceland. It was really fun to see them again and catch up. It was also kind a sad, cause I don't know when we'll meet again...

It's starting to feel more real that I am leaving this place soon. I've started to pack and my belongings are soon on their way to a good friend of mine. All the winterclothes and other stuff I won't be needing while I stick to warmer countries. I am so thankful for all the great friends I have who helped me with making this trip possible. I don't know what I had done without them.
It feels good to know that even I'm on the road without a home waiting for me I always know where my friends are.
I just want to say to all of you my wonderful friends! Thank You!!!

Tuesday 1 July 2008

This is me. A traveller and a hobby photographer.

Last June I decided it was time to make an old dream come true and travel around the world, for the second time.
I don't see my self as an tourist. I am in my heart a world citizen and I guess I will never call just one country my home. In the coming weeks, I will pack my bag, buy a oneway ticket and just go wherever the wind blows.

I've got 2 years to discover and explore new and old places. Meet people from all over the world and from different walks of life. I also hope during this trip to become a freelance photographer and a travel journalist.

Welcome to join me.