Monday 28 July 2008

Still in Glasgow...

Me at the first castle I've visited...
more pics in the album to the left.
It 's been 7 days since I left home. It has been a time of mixed feelings and lots and lots of new
experinces. I've been spending most of the time here in Glasgow, but I feel it's time to move on.
It is indeed an interesting city with great people, old buildings and heavy traffic as the motorway runs in the middle of the city.
But I have also seen some beautiful sceneries. Glasgow is also wery green and there are hills everywhere!!!

Overall it has been a good stay. I have met lots of new and interesting people and gotten to know new friends. I've been fruitpickin for the first time in my life and that was really fun! And at the same time I could watch the airplanes take off! As the field is a neighbour to the Glasgow airport!
Afterwards we went home, made some jam... and I baked a strawberry cake! My good friend Dan has been an excellent host and guide and he has showen me some interesting parts of the city. His friends and partner have been wonderful people letting me into their home and giving me a place to stay.

Even though it has been a time of mixed feelings, I am going to miss all these great people! The city might have been different than I thought, but I really didn't know what I was expecting either...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this suits you perfect, to be able to meet new people under now stress. Saknar dig och ger dig stora kramar pa farden :) filip