Wednesday 6 May 2009

promises and plans...

Okey, it's been a while since my last post, but I've been kinda busy thinking of where I'm going and of course turning 40!

So with that taken care off, (well at least the turning 40 part...) I now think I can start focusing on other things. Many thoughts have crossed my mind and I've made too many decisions that I know deep down inside I'll never follow through... At least not all of them...

The once that I am actually going to follow through are:

  1. A trip to Iceland
  2. Work at Stockholm Pride
  3. Save money for a new camera
  4. Save money for the USA trip
It's going to be tough, but if I just put my mind to it, I know I can do it all. I just need to have a good plan and a budget! These are things I really want to do, so there should be no reason why I can't do it. I just need to get in touch with the more economic side of my self, which I know I have and just make it happen! :O)

That thing, that I've reached a new point in my life has made me think, that if I don't do it now, then when? I just can't sit around making lots of plans that'll never will see the light of day...
All this confusion doesn't only affect me... There are lots of people around me that count on that I'll keep my promises...

I truly sometimes hate the fact that I am "suffering" from ADHD... It makes my brain work in a mysterious way... It's not all negative to have ADHD, it makes me the person I am, in both good and bad ways. I just tend to make promises that I sometimes just can't keep. And my intentions aren't bad... it just works that way... I promise too much and I am an hopeless optimist!

So to try to stop that bad behaviour, I tone down my promises. I try to not promise any big things or too much. It takes lot of practise and unfortunately, lots of broken promises... But I am doing my best and I am trying. That much I can promise you.

So let's keep our fingers crossed (or not?) and hope I'll make it to Iceland to begin with!

Take care!

1 comment:

Xinaed said...

ADHD or not, it's always best to watch what you promise, because things do happen, to prevent you from fulfilling them, beyond our control sometimes. I try not to promise too much, because for that reason, I may not be able to actually follow through with them.

Glad you are focusing though on what truly matters to you, in the aspect of what you want to do in the future. Its much easier to fulfill those duties, when you know there are less of them! :D